Gambling License

We actively support the growth of the gambling industry by securing licenses for a wide range of clients — from major software providers to individual companies launching their own projects.

Our legal team consists of highly qualified experts with deep experience in gaming regulation.

Partnering with us means guaranteed results and a fully legal start in your chosen jurisdiction.

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What is an online gambling license?

An online gambling license is a legal permit from a government-approved authority that allows a company to offer gambling services like casinos, sports betting, or lotteries in specific regions or worldwide. It confirms that the operator meets standards of fairness, security, and financial responsibility.

To get licensed, a company must pass background checks, submit documents, and pay fees to show it complies with gambling laws. Licensed operators are subject to regular oversight and must follow rules on anti-fraud, AML policies, data protection, and responsible gambling. Holding a license proves a business is legitimate and helps build trust with players and partners.

Who Needs a Gambling License?

A license is necessary for any iGaming operator to operate legally and compliant. Types of businesses that need online gambling licenses are:
Online Casino Operators

Businesses offering casino games like poker, roulette, slot machines, blackjack and baccarat online.

Sports Betting Companies

Companies accepting real money bets on sports, esports or other live events.

Lottery & Bingo Providers

Companies running online lotteries or bingo games to online players.

Gaming Software Developers

Businesses creating gaming software platforms and tools for gambling websites.

Payment Solution Providers

Financial institutions and payment processors handling transactions related to online gambling.

Main Benefits of Getting an Online Gambling License

Increased Trust & Credibility

Licenses show regulatory compliance and increase confidence among players and partners.

Competitive Tax Environment

Good tax policies in licensing jurisdictions to optimize your financials.

Access to Global Markets

Licenses often allows access to multiple markets, broadening your customer base.

Legal Risk Reduction

Comprehensive licensing reduces legal risks and operational disruptions.

Better Partnerships

Easier collaboration and better negotiation terms with gaming software developers, financial service providers and payment processors.

Comparison of Popular Online Gambling License Jurisdictions

Horizontalus slinkimas
Jurisdiction Curaçao Malta Isle of Man Kahnawake Gibraltar UK Estonia
Corporate Tax 2% (on net profits)​ 35% standard (≈5% effective)​ 0% (no corporate income tax)​ 0% (no corporate or GGR tax)​ 12.5% (flat corporate tax)​ 25% 20% (on distributed profits)
Regulator GCB (Curaçao Gaming Control Board) MGA (Malta Gaming Authority) GSC (Gambling Supervision Commission) KGC (Kahnawake Gaming Commission) Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner UKGC (UK Gambling Commission) EMTA (Estonian Tax and Customs Board)
License Term 5 years 10 years Indefinite 1 year 5 years Indefinite (with annual fees) Indefinite (with annual reporting)
Authorized Capital None €40,000–€100,000 None None £20,500 None ~€12,000 for company setup
Office in Country Yes Yes Yes No (servers in territory) Yes Yes (significant presence) Yes (local company)
Local Director Required Yes No Yes (2 locals) No Yes Yes Yes (EEA resident)

Note: “Indefinite” term means the license does not expire after a set period so long as the annual fees and compliance requirements are met. All jurisdictions above require annual fees or renewals to maintain the license in good standing. Each jurisdiction also has distinct application fees and compliance obligations (not listed in the table) that contribute to the overall cost of obtaining and maintaining the license. The data in the table reflects the general requirements and tax rates as of 2024–2025, providing a side-by-side look at how these jurisdictions compare in terms of financial and operational commitments for online gambling operators. All companies should carefully consider both cost and regulatory reputation when choosing where to get licensed, aligning the choice with their target markets and long-term business strategy.

Gambling License from Adam Smith

  • Azartinių lošimų licencija Jungtinėje Karalystėje

    Mūsų patyrusių „Reguliated United Europe” licencijavimo ekspertų komanda padės jūsų lošimų verslui Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Mes rūpinamės viskuo, pradedant licencijavimo paraiškos procesu, atitiktimi teisės aktų reikalavimams, dokumentų rengimu ir procedūromis, kad užtikrintume veiksmingumą ir greitą patvirtinimą.

    Terminas: 16-20 savaičių
    Vienkartinis mokestis: Nuo 7 500 EUR (dėl išsamesnės kainos kreipkitės)

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Azartinių lošimų licencija Estijoje

    Estija yra moderni Europos jurisdikcija, suteikianti operatoriams teisę teisėtai siūlyti azartinių lošimų paslaugas. Estijos azartinių lošimų licencija leidžia įmonėms patekti į vieną sparčiausiai augančių azartinių lošimų rinkų Europoje ir veikti visame pasaulyje gerai reguliuojamoje aplinkoje. Licencijavimas apima atsakingo lošimo, kovos su pinigų plovimu ir išsamaus patikrinimo procesą, kurį prižiūri Estijos mokesčių ir muitų valdyba (EMTA).

    Terminas: Maždaug 4 mėn.
    Vienkartinis mokestis: Nuo 6 200 EUR

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Azartinių lošimų licencija Kiurasao

    Lengvai pradėkite savo internetinių lošimų verslą įsigiję Kiurasao lošimo licenciją. Pasinaudokite greitu tvarkymu, prieinamomis kainomis, mažais mokesčiais ir kitais privalumais, dėl kurių Kiurasao yra ideali vieta tiek pradedančioms, tiek augančioms įmonėms.

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Malta Gaming License

    Malta is one of the world’s top destinations to get a solid and respected gaming licence. Issued by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), this licence covers a wide range of online gambling activities including online casinos, sports betting, lotteries, poker and more. Getting a Malta gambling license opens up the EU market and gets you a sense of nostalgia and enthusiasm.

    Timeframe: 4–6 months
    One-time fee: from €35,000

    Skaityti daugiau
  • Kahnawake Gambling License
    Skaityti daugiau
How to Get Online Gambling License
Step-by-step Guidance for Securing Your Gambling License
Starting an online gambling business can be lucrative due to the industry growth. Getting your license is the first step to enter this market, to ensure your business is fully compliant with the laws. Here’s our proven roadmap to get your license:
Choose the Right Jurisdiction

Choosing the jurisdiction where you get your license is crucial. Popular jurisdictions like Curacao, Malta, Estonia and others have different costs, regulations and tax benefits. Research thoroughly or consult our experts to choose a jurisdiction that fits your goals and budget.

Company Formation and Infrastructure Setup

Register your business according to your chosen jurisdiction’s requirements. This includes incorporation, trademark registration, local office or server setup and technological readiness.

Prepare Detailed Documentation

Gather extensive documentation including business plan, proof of funds, founders’ background checks, employee profiles, proposed gambling activities, platform details. Regulators will scrutinize everything – make sure to be clear, compliant and diligent from day one.

Develop Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures

Implement robust AML and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures to combat money laundering and comply with global standards. Your operational practices must include responsible gambling guidelines, AML/KYC policy documents and technical audit measures.

Application Submission and Regulatory Reviews

Submit your application to the regulatory authority with all documentation. The authority will review your application and may request additional information during the process.

Licensing and Operational Launch

After successful review the authority grants your gambling license and you can legally enter the online gambling industry. Once licensed you can launch your platform, establish partnerships and accept customer deposits.

With Adam Smith’s support we simplify this process. We help with document preparation, submission management, legal advice and get your online gambling license efficiently.

Meet Our Team of Experts

An Adam Smith our team of experts know international regulatory environments and global financial compliance. Our consultants and legal professionals will guide your online gambling license application smoothly and ensure your business remains compliant long term.

Dmitry M. Head of Sales Department Kontaktas
Mark M. Sales Representative Kontaktas
Patrik A. Lawyer Kontaktas
Kompleksinės korporatyvinės teisės paslaugos ir „FinTech“ sprendimai vienoje vietoje

Teikiame įmonių steigimo, kriptovaliutų ir finansų licencijų gavimo, buhalterinės apskaitos priežiūros, verslo konsultacijų paslaugas, taip pat siūlome sprendimus klasikinių ir kriptovaliutų fondų steigimo srityje.

Esame profesionalių konsultantų, teisininkų ir finansininkų komanda, kuri specializuojasi korporatyvinės teisės srityje. Mūsų tikslas – padėti verslininkams plėtoti „FinTech“ ir kriptovaliutų verslą ES teritorijoje.

Mūsų darbuotojai visada yra susipažinę su naujausiais Europos Sąjungos įstatymų, susijusių su finansais ir korporatyvine teise, pakeitimais.

10+ metų patirtis

Korporatyvinių paslaugų rinkoje
dirbame nuo 2011 m.

3000+ klientų

Individualus požiūris ir aukštos kokybės klientų aptarnavimas

500+ licencijų

Sėkmingai gautų kripto įmonėms ir „FinTech“ projektams

Ready to Launch Your Licensed Gambling Business?

Take the first step to success in the online gambling industry. With established expertise and full support Adam Smith will get you your online gambling license fast and smoothly. Schedule your consultation with one of our licensing experts to see how quickly your online gambling platform can be operational.

Request Consultation Request Consultation
FAQ About Gaming Licenses
What is an online gambling license?
An online gambling license is official legal authorization issued by regulatory authorities to operate and manage gambling platforms legally and transparently.
Why do I need a gambling license?
You need a license to operate a gambling business legally, to be compliant, to have customer trust, banking, marketing advantages and security against liabilities.
Which jurisdiction is the most affordable?
Curacao is one of the most cost effective with low initial application fee, attractive taxation and favorable legislation.
How long does it take to get an online gaming license?
Time varies: 4-6 weeks in Curacao, 2-4 months in Estonia, 3-6 months in Malta depending on jurisdiction.
What are the costs involved in getting a gaming license?
Basic costs include jurisdiction licensing fees, legal support, infrastructure setup, due diligence services, audits and ongoing compliance expenses varying by jurisdiction.
What happens if I operate without a license?
Operating without a license means legal sanctions, website shutdowns, loss of banking access, severe financial penalties, imprisonment risks and damaged reputation.
Do I need a separate license for each gambling product?
Some jurisdictions like Estonia and Curacao have one license for multiple gambling activities while Malta and Isle of Man require separate licenses or individual extensions.
Which countries are best for accessing European markets with an online gaming license?
Estonia and Malta are both great gateways to European Union markets with regulated access and operational transparency for gaming operators.
How can you help me get a gambling license?
Adam Smith provides licensing consultation, documentation assistance, regulatory reviews, compliance management, jurisdiction selection advice and full end-to-end license acquisition support.
Is a gambling license transferable?
Typically gambling licenses are not transferable between parties or entities and a new application is required when business ownership or control changes.
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